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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Why Vampires Sucks?

So far, we don't know if there is any vampires really exist in this world or not...perhaps they are kind...or maybe not...Because as we know from the movie...all vampires are feed in blood and have strange ability that tremendously different from mortal - human being...And then thats why vampires sucks!!

Obviously, all the mortal will envy and jealous at their ability which is like immortal...they can live forever and wont be dead...because they already dead...and have a strong power to carry thing that can't be done by human...for mortal like us...we need to go to GYM or get into some exercise or even drink protein powder to get strong...

As I know from the movie "Twilight" ,vampires don't sleep...this make them nocturnal...Should I say nocturnal animal or nocturnal human being?? For human...We wish a day can have more then 24hour for the timeless reason that we only just half of the day to work and another half of the day is completely hibernate...We need spend more time on our work or study...and need to use it wisely...But for vampires is an exception...As I say...they don't that they can travel all of the world in one night with their ability SPEED...

They move fast...we can't see it through our nake eye...Our sight is too slow to capture it...We build vehicle that speed, we seek speed, see want speed...We spend money to get a speed vehicle...But we still lose for vampires...Vampires are speed much...too speed for us...

And from the movie "Vampire Assistant" Vampires can easily change a person to their form...No doubt...This is very dangerous if there are any lunatic or should I say idle or humbug vampires try to change every person into vampires...This is sucks!!

Last but not least...I believe that people will hate and scare about vampires is about their freaky blood feeding,Indeed...They use to be suck blood to fill their hunger instead of flesh...Using the peak of their sharp teeth to stab a hole and suck the lukewarm blood...

This is all about the jealousy and envy about Why vampires sucks for us!


A lot people ask me how i put my signature end of my blog...Well, the first thing you need to do is surf and register...Relax, it is free for everyone...

After you sign up, go to New sig and start you lovely signature^^
When you click on New sig, it will come out with 3 choice, like below...

Is up to you all which you all going to use...For me, most of the time I use the first...Next step, write your signature and press Next step...

After you press Next step, now you will be require to select your lovely font for your signature...After the font is size of your signature...And now, you will need to select your color for your font...For the background color...mostly people will chose Transparent...If you also no exception...Tick the box for Transparent...For the text color is really up to your choice...

After all color had been chosen, click on Next step to continue your signature...Select the slope, probably most of the people will chose number 1... I am the one..xD

After chose the slope then we reach step6, enter your name and press finish...Well, is done...your signature is ready to be use...Now, beside the New sig is Use sig...Click on it to use...And you will reach here as below...

Mostly, people chose the first one...HTML code...So as I...Next also chose the first...But is up to you all...The second style of signature also is not bad...Now, chose the signature just now you name it and press generate code and copy it seriously!!

Leave that web now and back on your blog...Now go to dashboard>setting>formating and look for post template...paste the code to the box given and press save...Try to write a New post and enjoy your lovely signature^^

My Signature...xD

Thursday, July 29, 2010

How to Download Video From Facebook?

Today what i going to teach is HOW TO DOWNLOAD A VIDEO FROM FACEBOOK...I know plenty of people always want to download video from FACEBOOK but they don't know how...

Present day...I believe a lot of people Not only using IE but MozilaFirefox or Google Chrome and other...

What I going to teach u download a video from Facebook is using MozilaFirefox...No worry...MozilaFirefox can be download easily and it is free...Click HERE for download MozilaFirefix and INSTALL it..

The page should be like this...

Well, maybe you all will think very complicate or feel strange using other browser...but is ok...u can use your believe browser and when you wanna download video just open the video at MozilaFirefox... we download a video through MozilaFirefox? After the installation...You need go to Add-Ons for MozilaFirefox to download a add-on call Video DownloadHelper...Click HERE for download Video DownloadHelper and INSTALL it...

The page should be like this...

Now, open your MozilaFirefox and you will see something 3ball like this at the toolbar...
If there is no any 3ball like the picture shown...go to Tool>Add-on and make sure your DownloadHelper is Enable...Now, go to the video at your Facebook that you want to download...Click at the video to make sure the video is on a new page with ONLY the video...Now you ca see the 3ball will become like this...

When your browser is opening a video...the 3ball will be color up...if there is no will remain click on the arrow beside the 3ball and you will see the video name or a lot of number and it end up with .mp4 or .flv ...Click it...then it will start this picture...

And then your video is download^^
Lets listen this song^^

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


For some reason...A lot of Girl's picture or article always been copy or steal by some one and then use for their own benefit...

As i know...not only girl's stuff get copy by other...boy also no exception... We can always see a lot of people always scold that their picture had been copy by stranger and make another account try to cheat other...Or some one article had been copy and edit or even the credits...

So,what point i say all this thing at here for this moment? I am going to make a Tutorial for you all *Right Click Disable* for you blog...But this is only a simple Java Script...Some one who learn about computer study might be can use other method to copy your thing also...

Fist,we sign in our blog...and move to Dashboard,you will see a Design...CLICK will at Page Element...We need to make a new gadget to place the code...So, make a NEW gadget by pressing Add Gadget...The gadget must be with the format HTML/JAVASCRIPT...Name it whatever you like...Last, paste the CODE into the HTML/JAVASCRIPT then save...Is complete....TADA...^^

If you try to right click it probably will become like this
Now try to right click ... It probably can't make it...^^ Enjoy ^^

Video for This Tutorial...

Saturday, July 24, 2010


It had been long time that I din't enjoy at HOME...
Two month...I was in Penang for my study and now I withdraw from college and go to another college...
And in this two month...I were suffering because of the bloody hell illness...I still can recall the first time was FEVER...After that was SORE THROAT...and the most i can't endure is TOOTHACHE!! Damn lunatic illness!!!Hate it so much...Bloody hell pain!!!

Why I will have toothache? I also no ideal...maybe because of Penang is a gourmet paradise...and I always eat all the spicy food then cause my a toothache...

When I was a kid...I always want to go out from house...That time...Home gave me a feeling was boring and ennui...But now i just know what is Home mean by...And now I appreciate it much...I still remember the day before I move to Penang...I always enjoy at toilet by listening song...enjoy nap on my double bed...enjoy playing with my pets...enjoy watching TV with family...

For soon...I will be play back alone life again at P
enang...The college will start at August of 9th...Means that I still have some days to enjoy...I will cherish and appreciate every second,minutes, or moment from now on...

Just now, I invite my friend to watch movie...Is a bit sad because just one friend coming out...For last time..It use to be whole gang of my friend will hang out...But for this moment...every one has their own life...some going to further study some going to ok...Is been long time that I din't play snooker...Just now after the film...I play snooker with my friend...Haha...what word can describe for me is regress...all of my skill...But we enjoy it....

Well...what I forgot...hmm...OH ya...the film...What I watch just now is
*The Sorcerer's Apprentice*
This movie is present by Walt Disney Picuture!! It is about a normal college student meet sorcerer and learn the art of science of magic...What I can describe this movie is AWESOME!! A lot of funny action and conversation, almost all the people in cinema laugh non-stop and I am the one of course...And the 3D is AWESOME!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Odyssey Night

Today morning, I miss 1 class because I woke up late...When I reach college I directly went to the 2nd class...

Same like always...class end at about 4pm-5pm...Everyday, my class usually like this...For today...The thing that most can't forgot was the Odyssey Night...

I was enjoyed at there...watching all the talented people perform their show...It was fascinating!! The part that i most like was the Dance,Beatbox,Singing and the music performance...

The dance is perform about B-Boyz...It was awesome!! What I can say is BRAVO!! I like it so much!! They perform locking and poping...!! NICE!!

By the way...the beatbox also was nice!!! He is the first person that i face he to see he play beatbox...He is cool.!! I think I also want to learn it as well...xD

Singing...A lot of people sang...but for me...the best singer only have 1...His sound was nice...and also the technique...

The music performance is about the keyboard and violin...and the most interested thing is...the people who playing keyboard was covering his eye...!! Awesome rite?

I am sorry to my friend that he could not be the prom king although I vote for he...But dun sad, because you still have a lot of fans....

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bon Odori 2

Yesterday, was the Japan ghost festival (Bon Odori)...Yesterday was my first day attended the event and it was fascinating...especially the fire was very beautiful... I went there with my friend... Erm... I not really know about her...I just always chat with her at facebook... I went there with she and her friend...1pair of couple and a boy...

What I can say or describe about there is...CROWD!!! At there...A lot of food was selling...The majority is Sushi...and my MOST favorite food is SUSHI...But I can't very sad...because of my teeth teeth going to kill me...Every night I can't fall a sleep because of it...

At the moment, I dun know what else I can buy to eat...So I bought Fish and Chip...I brought the problem to myself... After event, I suffer the pain whole night until morning then my friend brought me to Guardian to buy anodyne...

I saw a lot people wearing kimono...and also i saw a lot of friend at there...almost is my Alor Star's friend...

I still remember that I was always at behind follow she and when she ask me to walk first, I dun know where to go...*I have a bad communicate and leadership* Hope she forgive (# '')

After the fire work...i accompany she to buy the *Sushi Rice* izzit call sushi rice? I forgot already...Then i with they all go to sea side there...We have a nice chat at there...

LOST!! Ya ...We lost...because of me...I can't recognize the road...But at last we make it to home...They all guide me to the right way...Obviously, I also dun know where we are when they guide me at some road...I just follow what they say...Thanks that they are correct...haha...

When reach home...before I had myself clean...I saw myself at the mirror and it is hair and my hair is suck...the hairstyle i set was falling down and my face was oily...But i think it should be like this because I went out for whole day...Morning...I went to KDU Opening Day...until 6.30pm and i rush back to fetch friend then direct go to the festival...

Next time I will get myself clean first...xD...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Bon Odori 1

Sorry...I have no more energy to write blog for today...because i went out whole day...and now I am damn tired...I will continue my blog tomorrow ...sorry for the bad reason...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Confuse...very confuse...
Headache...very headache...
Vex...very vex...
Harass...very harass...

What should I do?How should I chose?I just realize that my current course is not suitable for me...
I prefer the course is about computing...

Should I stop my course?Should I change my course?If I stop my course then I need to wait 1 more year until my college next intake...Is kinda waste time...Or i change to another college?If change to other college,I no need to wait 1 more year...but this will be more expensive compare to my current college...Kinda waste money...

Should I stop my course and wait for 1year for the next intake of my college?Or should I change to other college for more expensive fee?


Monday, July 12, 2010


The result for the final match of FIFA WORLD C
UP 2010 is Netherland 0:1 Spain...

Ya..Spain win...This is a quite long match...because after 90minutes the result is still the same...0:0

So add more 30minutes...And Spain sc
ore a goal in the 30minutes...

When i watch this match with my friend...we all laugh until can't stop...a lot of funny movement happen in this match...

And most of the time both team can goal a lot...but due to some...may be strategy? Emotion? I have no idea...they lost the ball...All the people shout...include me...haha...

Well...i admit...the octopus is correct..Is it a Voodoo or Witch? 7game get the correct predict!!Hmm...The future person i mention in my last post...I have no comment on it...may be is the history change after he spread out the
secret? May be he/she is a liar?

Any way...Let us enjoy the IMAGE OF

Sunday, July 11, 2010


0230 Will be the last round for FIFA WORLD CUP..Who will be the champion??


Who know...But the FUTURE Person know who will win...What? FUTURE Person?? YA...A lot people are talking about he/she...

Where he/she appear? As i know he/she show him/her self at

And he/she says that the result of Final FIFA WORLD CUP Is NETHERLAND 2:1 SPAIN
What he/she says?Let me translate for you all...

*I came from the future,I know that a lot people will think this is a joke!So i would to let you all see some prove!My prove is only about the FIFA WORLD CUP that all the world is keeping eye on it!The Final result of FIDA WORLD CUP Is Netherland 2:1 Spain,2 of the player shot the goal(he/she got mention one of the player's name..another one he din't say...)The another player who goal is you all can't never ever imagine!I hope that what i say that won't spread to South Africa before the match start!I scare this will be affect all the people and change the history!After one month I will be back,hope that you all trust what i say...*

Well..What you all think about it? Trust it?Hmm...I have no idea...

And..The OCTOPUS it...all the world is crazy on it...its predict is accuracy of 100% in 6 games!Is too amazing rite?

This predict that Spain will win...What? Spain?...Ya..Is Spain...

Is that this time the octopus will accurate? Or the inform of the future person is correct? idea...For You all...which side you support?Haha...Netherland? Spain? Well...i support Netherland...xD...

Why support Netherland? I also dun know why...Just feel like Netherland will be the champion for the final match...

Tonight...a lot people will not going to sleep..include me...^^ and i am pretty sure that a lot of the shout will pollute the air....haha....*GOAL!!!!!

Friday, July 9, 2010



Today is my last day of ASSIGNMENT!! Luckily i am able to pass up before due time...

I woke up early in the morning and rush to college's library to continue my

When i am going to college, my partner call me and inform that he cant do with me because of photo taking for the PromNight!

Oh My...but he already done a couple of good to hear that..xD My work won't be so RUSH...After all the thing was done and my class was dismiss...
I CARY A BIG LUGGAGE TO MY HOSTEL...mean i am very tired...

OH..forgot to say...all my house-mate already back home town unless me...xD I not really want to back home town because I just can sleep at home for 2days then need to rush to here when Sunday...This is really so call RUSH...and the problem is i can't back home town with my friend because our time not same at all...i am the most late...5pm class dismiss...They already start their journey when 1pm-2pm...And another problem is...My dad dun let me drive back with my car...Yes..i own a car...Why i dun just drive back home town? OBVIOUSLY, My dad NOT ALLOWED ME TO DRIVE BACK HOME TOWN..= =!!

Is quite boring when alone in the hostel...and i had take a photo by webcam...haha...Is too boring that time...

Well...Is time for i wanna start my cooking...xD

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Batu Ferringhi

Today what i want to share is about a silly people and having fun at beach...

His name is apple...Who is that? Who know...Boy or Girl? For me he/she is a negative person

with negative attitude..

You know what...he/she always come to my blog and scold/criticize people...funny?

The more funny thing is... i dun even know who is he/she and what the hell does he want from

Psychopath...he/she really is...By the way..he/she not just only scolding me...

Also the other..sweat..Really no comment for he/she... just a crazy people...

No need to care or pay any attention on he/she...


WOW..Beach, Batu friend all having fun at there playing sand and water..

while i having fun with photo shotting...haha...i really hope that i got a DSLR then that

would be easy for me to take whatever i want...xD

Is really fun at there...But, Heaven does not act beautifully...the weather start to change

and finally rain...This make us no choice to leave there...we all

soaked through...when get in in the car...Although it ended with rain...but also is a

wonderful day...

Here is some of my random photo
Fell free for more view..please refer to my Facebook album..Thx...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Today, I saw something that i shouldn't see...My spirit in college was become very heavy..

No mood to play and pay attention on other thing...but other than my course... time to become POSITIVE...we can't always stay in NEGATIVE...this harm us a lot...

MOVIE!! I found that after i came to here i get movie fever!!

Because at my home town the movie always delay or Not showing...

Tomorrow!! Is a Public holiday at here!! I haven't plan yet what event going to get

OH YA!!! The Predators andThe Twilight Saga: Eclipse will going to show tomorrow at here!!!

Hurray!! I think i will go and watch with my friend...see whenever they got the time or not...


Twilight Saga:Eclipse

Some more Some more!!! The New movie SALT

It is about a girl who name Evelyn Salt before becoming a CIA officer she will become a sleepy Russian spy! excited !! This movie will be shown in Cinema 29 of JULY!! Can't wait><

And also the INCEPTION!! New movie!!

This movie is about a thief stealing something....

Stealing valuable secrets from deep within the subconscious during the dream state when the mind is at its most vulnerable!!

I must watch this movie!!!


Is present by Walt Disney Picture!!

It is about a normal college student meet sorcerer and learn the art and science of magic..

This is the all movie i want to watch...><

I hope all of them are nice to watch....

Sunday, July 4, 2010 i am so tired and headache...

no wonder i am so tired today...

yesterday i went to my friend's saloon

GENESIS get my hair rebonding....

at the moment i feel very sleepy, because sitting there for few hour and din't move...

After that i rush to CITY
PLAZA to get my phone..
my friend told me th
at my phone already fix..

but when i go get my just like a non-complete phone..the most important thing is the

camera cant use..i think i have to wait for several month to get my new phone

Sony Ericsson Vivaz

Just now i get inform from my friend that this friday, Alor Star Mall there will be having a

PICOM PC FAIR...and ask me to go there to buy what i want..i went to find my friend because i

want buy a FM MODULATOR with he..and he dun want to sell me...he ask me to buy when

PICOM PC FAIR...funny right my friend....haha...

When almost 3pm like dad was going to send me to Penang. At this moment Jun called

me...and ask whenever got go Penang or not today...if got can follow he go to Penang...

At the moment i was very happy because my dad not quite well that time...

I had brought my guitar to Penang and i hope i got time to learn it as well..

I bought this guitar for few month already..but i still dun know how to play...Now my friend say

he know play guitar and want to teach me..bought guitar for keep is kinda wasting money

so i brought it here to learn^^

When reach my lodging...i start clean my room...already few week i din't clean look totally

mess up...a lot of dust and coin...COIN? Haha..because my coin always throw every where...

especially my table will full of coin if i still din't keep it...haha...My friend always

take my coin to fill up the water when need refill...

After i clean my house...i went down and bought a burger ...DOUBLE EGG BURGER...haha...

is delicious..xD

ASSIGNMENT!! i am going crazy because of assignment...always assignment!!This thing always

freaking me out!! I have 2 assignment need to be done at THIS WEEK..WTF!?

Well..i will do it fast as possible...Is getting late and feel tired...Good Night all...